Friday, May 27, 2011

I feel like I'm back in school...

It's May 27th and Labor Day is just around the corner. 

I'm trying to not etch anything in stone with respect to my departure date.  I know unpreparedness is the real enemy and I will not venture onto the road unprepared.  So, today I'm saying July 1st, but in a few weeks I might be saying something else.  I frequent motorhome forums online and ask all kinds of stupid questions.  Actually, I never ask stupid questions.  I ask questions instead of researching other threads where these topics have been discussed before.  But, for the most part everyone seems very willing to help out newbies and I am most appreciative.  One guy who was discouraging me from buying a 39 foot motorhome as my first RV said it took him 2 years to prepare for full-timing.  That's what it's called when you don't have any other home other than the one with wheels.  He's either a lot more patient than me or he's slow on the draw.  I'm already seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and I've only been at it for a few weeks.  I was thinking I might need an extra month getting ready, but only because of possible continued back orders.  As for me I'm chawing at the bit and really wanting to get out there ASAP. 

I want to become more intimately familiar with the motorhome systems that will be begging my attention later on.  So, each day now I go down to the community RV park and play with the motorhome some.  I'm determined to become familiar with all of it before I launch.  Today was a banner day.  I learned how to dump my waste tanks.  It's pretty straight forward, but I did make a mistake that if made while dumping black water I would have gotten a little stinky.  Fortunately what I messed up was gray water and not black.  I also learned that I have a leaky sewage hose and that I need to buy a new one that is longer.  And I also learned that special hoses are used for fresh water and that I'd be wise to buy new white hoses while  I'm at Walmart tomorrow.  My old one will be relegated to black water tank rinsing.  I've not performed that little task yet, but it's coming.  If I was smart I'd move into the thing in the interim, but that would mean being away from my first love, my 72 inch TV.  I tried to make it fit in the motorhome, but alas it isn't to be.  Newmar, in its infinite wisdom has built into this motorhome a lot of redundancy, especially in the electrical system.  It's all in the name of convenience, but you don't have to be very smart to know that redundancy and automation translates into increased complexity.  In the case of the hot water heater switch there are no less than 4 on/off switches on the coach both inside and outside.  And if that wasn't enough this particular model also has the capability of having the hot water heated by the engine while under way.  Who figured this stuff out I wonder?  Then there is the fact that the refrigerator and the hot water heater work off both electricity and LP gas.  They automatically default to electricity when available.  Last in the chain is LP gas, which could theoretically be a real life saver when boondocking.  That's when you camp without hookups.  You could boondock in Yellowstone or in a Walmart parking lot.  To the motorhome it's all the same thing. 

I admit that progress hasn't been quite as fast as I might have liked.  It's nearing the end of May and to accomplish everything that needs to be accomplished before launching July 1st will be doable, but barely.  To facilitate my emotional departure I've basically decided to give away or sell everything I own that won't be making the trip.  It's interesting to look around at all the "things" I've collected over the years and know that it's all going bye-bye.  I'm actually looking forward to ridding myself of all these possessions.  And I realize that the feelings I'm experiencing aren't really about my things.  What I'm feeling is all about really moving forward in my life.  I refuse to allow my past to be an anchor around my neck any longer.  The real break has already been made by my making the decision to divest myself of 95% of my worldly belongings.  Fortunately for me I've got a wonderful ex-wife who says she wants everything.  She's going to make things really simple for me.  I'll provision from the house and when I finally pull away the rest will be hers.  She can sell it, store it, burn it, give it away or do anything else that comes to her mind.  She can even use it if so inclined.  If the time comes that I want to settle down in a stick and brick house again then I know where they sell all that stuff and I'll be the one paying pennies on the dollar.  It's all good.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The world is hereby notified...

Dear Friends and Family,

The decision has been made to cut the cord and travel full-time.  My anticipated launch date is July 1, 2011 provided I can finish the refurbishments to the motorhome by that date.  There is a lot to accomplish in a relatively short time. 

The purpose of this blog is to document my adventures motorhoming across the United States and Canada.  I hope to be able to share a lot of the experience with my friends and other readers in a way that is interesting and maybe even compelling for those who have considered such a personal adventure for themselves.  When I talk with full-timers (no stick/brick house) I get the impression that there is nothing else in this world they'd rather be doing.  I'll let you know if I share the feeling once I'm underway.

I would be remiss if I didn't thank Huntley and George for their participation and help.  None of this would have been possible at this time without them in my corner.  Thanks, guys.  You have my gratitude.

I hope to shoot both video and still pics chronicling my travels, especially through the National Park system west of the Rockies.  There are no imperatives with respect to anything like a schedule, except for two dates.  I'm told I must be in Glacier National Park on August 15th to see the wild flowers in full bloom in the valleys.  The scene is supposed to be quite spectacular.  Next is a date in mid September when I'm supposed to meet with good friends for a mini-reunion in Pacifica, CA.  Other than those two obligations I am free as a bird to go and experience what life has to offer.

Hope to have you as a regular reader.  Once underway I will post often.  Until then I've got work to do.

My Best,

John Dent